I´m back…

Its been over 7 years since my last entry. A lot has happened. My mum got sick with breastcancer in 2018 and died summer of 2020 during the first year of Covid. I since moved to Copenhagen to be closer to my sisters. Life´s been tough. I have fought to follow my dream. Being lost at to how to reach that dream, bc i didnt know what route to take to get the career that I was looking for. I think on some level i didnt really know what i wanted to do, just that I didnt wanna waste alle those years at University on something mediocre. Its been too long to go into the detail of everything that happened. Might write a blog about some of it later. Right now im taking a course to become a security guard. Im loving every part of it. Its not something that required a masters degree, but working with security/safety has triggered something in me that started when I joined a Krav Maga school called Heartcore in january 2022.

I had already begun loosing weight and was looking for something to keep me going. (down 25kg as Im writing this) I had always had a love for martial arts since a friend in high school had introduced me to karate and showed me a few moves. My sister suggested I check out Krav Maga. I did and I fell in love. Especially when i joined Heartcore. The focus on your mental strenght and development drew me in. I found kindred spirits who had the same passion for empowering women. (hate the word empowering. Its turned to such a pop word that it lost a bit of its shine, but its the best definition I got). Since jan 2022 I have stumbled further and further down the rabbit hole. Im a bit of a knowledge nerd that way. Im eager to learn and I didnt know how much I needed to have a new area to research and discuss with peers. I was introduced to a book called: “Left of Bang” plus an author called Rory Miller(correction officer, sergeant, tactical team leader with a few decades worth of knowledge on self defence and violence dynamics). I actually met him recently. Him and Randy King(will get back to him) did a european tour. Meeting people like Rory, a person who is extremely skilled at reading people, facial expression, body language etc, is scary. It makes me uncomfortable that people can read me that well and I cant hide. Its the fear of being judged based on the weaknesses that they find. I know its all in my head, but its the reason I like people who speak their mind. I know where I got them, but whenever I know that a person is withholding judgement on me, good or bad, I get nervous. Its just one of those areas where I need to hit myself in the head and tell myself to sit down and just relax, unless of course my intuition is triggered. But anywho… I have read 2 of his books: Meditation on violence and conflict communication. Books that changed how I label and see my past, my present and my future. Things definitely changed after reading them. I got him to sign my books at a seminar on short term boundaries by Randy, that guy is awesome. Randy is loud, tall, funny and has a lot of knowledge and experience on the softer skills in in self defense, beside being a badass in Martial Arts himself, and he has several years of bouncer experience. Now he owns a Self Defense company where he teaches on different self defense topics. It was a honor to meet them both. It wasnt as scary meeting Randy, as it was with Rory. Randy has a great skill at making people feel at ease. Not something everybody masters plus he is a shark at social media. Im honored to have met 2 men who in different ways teach me how to be safer, better, wiser, more authentic and real. Stronger. Thank You to both of them. Its because of them that im writing this blog entry now. I have been fatigued in debating for a number of years. I didnt know how much I missed having this outlet for my thoughts. So I owe them both my gratitude. I hope this is not the last time I met these 2 fine gentlement. I sure plan to make a trip to the states for seminar weekends at an organisation called violence dynamics, that they are both a part of amongst a SWAT dude and a Krav Maga lady, both also very awesome.

2022 has been a lifechanging year. Krav Maga/Self Defense has changed my life. Im studying for a job I never thought I had the guts to take on. Think about it. Im gonna get paided to practice my awereness and deescalating skills. How awesome is that. I cant wait to write more about all things considering Self Defense. I got a list of 15 topics already. So stay tuned. Will write again in November, maybe earlier if my study doesnt keep me too busy.

– Rosie